The Cliff (My Platform)

I don’t know what it is but I’ve always been fascinated by the yellow seas of mustard. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s because they’re weeds, growing up wherever they placed, living in the direst of circumstances, maybe it’s because they’re like me. I always thought they were pretty. I just never knew their names. I always thought maybe if I could be like them then maybe I could have my own movie, my own TV show, my own everything. My own Paradise. This world is amazing. From the tallest mountains to the shining seas. From the tiniest ant to the biggest elephant. It’s also so beautiful. I only wish you could see the world like me. Up here the view is amazing…I see a rainbow up ahead. I see the world opening. I see everyone rushing toward me, screaming my name. And it hits me. I know the last step I have to take. I know how to achieve world peace.

and by the time you notice what I”m doing, I’ma ready walking down he ill. My parents have picked up the last page of the letter, but they an’t find me; I have traveled up and down many hills. YOuw ill remember how on page  of my diary, I made a mention of how much I loved yellow mustard—well, that’s because it’s a recurring weed. It has popped up through history, in various cultures—first with the origin of the cosmos, then that little planet, next to Mercury, and finally made its way into our world. It peeled out in all directions, like the right from a kaleidoscope—starting wars, ending wars, making its way into our histories, our stories, like so many Bibles, building our own towers of Babels, the ancient Greeks, the exploits of Hercules. And, moving into our centuries, it filled our seas with riches. With gold. It made its way into our perfect, paradisiacal, idyllic world, cropping up with Stanley’s story,and that beautiful cliff, and the departing planes, those soaring airships, those marvelous, singing birds, those storks, that bright one my family. My Mom and Dad, who lived the greatest love story. And who ten brought me. My jaundice, my loves and losses—Danielle, Ally, and Kelly—Kelly, of course—those mighty bananas, who would prove to be so baneful. And my very first teacher, who told me I could do anything, be anything—God, you were one veryboyd. I just don’t see why I have to keep writing. Three must be a better place for me. Ic an’t keep doing this. I can’t keep standing at this cliff, simply writing. I have tod something. I have to be something. There has to be a place left for me. God, show me a sign of something, anything. Show me what it would take to achieve world peace. Show men nota  sign of peace, but the real thing. Show me all the people that love me. She me now what it means to live not in the past, but iwht the past, with everyone who lived, and died, and struggled supporting us, with me. We don’t need war any longer—it’s a historical thing. WE have built our worlds with a structure strong enough o support peace—and happy children,a nd happy lives, to just right now, but for eternity—if you’d like I can show you a secret. It’s the place where I achieved world peace. It’s this very cliff here I’ms standing on before you —I was ready to jump, and then I heard a brand new willow tree in my back yard, a mustard seed whisper by as it floated on the breeze—I asked why it would take to save the world—I caught it, and I heard it sing—I opened my heart, and i heard it whisper, I whispered, I knew the answer—