The Journey

the story of Ikti & Iktel

Ikto & Igbo with names

Journey 1

“Well, you shouldn’t. As long as you know that I know where I’m going…”

“But that’s just it. I don’t think you know where you’re going!”

She stopped and shouted, “EXACTLY!”

“You know, your breath stinks.”

“And you’re pretty hairy.”

“And your teeth aren’t screwed on just right!”

“Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t really feel like a monkey anymore. I feel like I’m evolving into something that’s going to go down in history.”

“Wait a second. Whose story?”


“I think you mean her story. She’s the one who’s talking.”

They came into a cave. In the front of the cave, lit up just barely by the light from the outside was a little girl, kneeling on her knees with a small stick scratching the wall up and down, up and down, side to side, making all these strange, strong movements.