The First Cells

There are two types of creatures: cellular and multicellular. Neither one is better than the other. The prokaryotes came first. They could swim through the water with their tails and because they had pretty long tails (at least most of them)


I think I should probably write this down that I think I should remind you that they were about the same size as a millionth the size of this dot. And since everything has as tory I think I should start out with this prologue that when you get sick tis because of bacteria. Bacteria can stick together just like boogers.


They come straight from your nose (but don’t pick them! My Mom says they can make you sick!) and if you DO eat it you’ll wish you didn’t!

But that’s exactly what happened!!!

I don’t mean I ate it!!!

This little bacteria was swimming along, when another one ate it!

bacteria eating it

(I’ve done my research.)

It chewed. I chomped. And do you know why it at he bacterium? It though ti twas better than everyone else. It was such a simple life-form. All it did was hang out in the water. But this bacteria, this ORGANELLE< looked at where it was trapped. And he thought to himself, “I can make this place better.”

And she started to draft all the super cool plans, for highways and pools and waterparks, and these were the first STEM CELLS


it was just like mic real bowl. There was a big fat strawberry and lots of things driving around like the little dried blueberries you find in Quaker oatmeal and it was warm and bright like life and as its life developed it developed its own way of life. the peaches developed their own hockey rinks and playgrounds and post offices and carnivals and fairgrounds and everything too and everyone had their own mailboxes, but they ere shared by the community. The packages passed between cells

they got so happy. They decided to join a family

They ent jiggling up and down. They tried different dance formations. Nobody ould tell what they were doing, or where they were going, but they knew they were onto something amazing.

My teacher rings a bell.