
Hi! I’m Austin! *Er, ahem.*

It’s me, Monkey!! 🙂 I know I can be kind of silly but that’s ok.

I think I’m what they call a TRICKSTER!!!

I live during the age of the dinosaurs. Or I did. I was just kind of minding my own business when a light fell from the sky—it was such an incredible thing—it was so bright that even the dinosaurs closed their eyes.

I went rumbling, tumbling into my cave. I even hit my head.

That was a stupid monkey, I said.

BAD Monkey. BAD!!

I climbed out of my cave. I wanted to find my monkey friends. Everyone was hanging out in the trees. I climbed up. I say,

“Hey! That was pretty fun!”

“Hey! Let’s have more fun!” my monkey pals said.

We monkeys live to monkey around! We like to do lots of crazy things. We have our own school. We even have our own banana colony.
