
I flew my spaceship right into Mars. rocketship-temporary-tattoo_2754_1 It was pretty unbelievable. Not because flying a spaceship straight into Mars should be but because the first thing that happened was everyone ran out to greet me saying they had been expecting me but I didn’t know how that was possible. I turned to Lucky.

“Beats me!” he said.lucky


“Why are you shouting?” he said.

“Sorry, I had caps-lock on,” I said sheepishly.

“Why are you rhyming?”

“You already know that. So I’m E-Z-2-Under-Stand On This Planet.”


“It’s kind of dusty here, don’t you think?”

“How do you think it got so red?”

“Oh, it hasn’t always been this red. We just colored it in. In fact, we were thinking of calling it the Red Planet. What do you think? I’m Jo, by the way,” he said. “You can come to my village, if you’d like. There’s lots of things to do. In fact, I’m sure it will please you.”

The Waterpark Mars

“Wow! Who knew?” I asked Lucky.

“If you keep your eyes open, I’m sure there are a lot of things that will please you,” Jo said. “For example, we have waterfalls. And beautiful streams. And a big green park, where all our children love to laugh and play and run in. They come to our weekly sessions, and then, we display their art:


“But what if,” I asked Lucky, “there is no art. What if, someday, there is no park and they can’t draw anything or even worse imagine anything oh Lucky what are we going to do??”

“I’m going to stop you short,” Jo said. “There is another planet that we’ve heard about.”

“How can we get there??” I asked eagerly.

“Go back to your spaceship. Lucky for you I’ve re-fueled your ship with ice cream. And the best part is for lunch Mom’s made us peanut butter and jelly!!! 🙂 Oh, did you hear that Lucky?????
