Hi! I’m Austin!

Hi! I’m Austin! My Mommy and Daddy don’t love me anymore. They’re making me go down our hill


I don’t know why. Just this morning my Mommy told me that I was her everything. I don’t know how that can be true. If I’m the Sticker King then I should be able to do whatever I want to do. Watch Lion King every day. Not get up at 7 o clock in the morning to have to go to the bathroom. At least my Mommy made me Froot Loops.

froot loops

It’s really good cereal. I like how the milk jumps up and down! When I brush my teeth I have to make sure I brush all around so I can get the roots and the gums and the crowns. I’m actually really excited! Actually I’m more nervous that no one will know me. Mommy says I have to wear this white t shirt. Mommy pulls it over me.


I think I’m ready for school now. Mommy grabs my backpack (just in case I need it) and opens the door.